Procida, here we come!
Holiday plans anyone?
Let’s face it, today this is a rash question and it shouldn’t even be asked but, if you are short of ideas for the future, we have the place for you, Procida Island.
Indeed, it is reccomended to book tickets in advance as the island has been named Italian Capital of Culture for 2022 and is preparing in style for the occasion, with the hope of welcoming a large number of tourists in the year that, fingers crossed, it will also be the first free from Covid.

Courtesy of Procida 2022 Instagram Official page
The delightful and colorful island, in the Gulf of Naples, has lots of projects in the pipeline to make sure that 2022 will be the year of the turning point and of the long-awaited restart.
“Culture does not isolate” is the motto chosen by the municipality and it certainly works.
Turning the spotlight, thanks to this slogan, on the ideas of community and hospitality after months of social distancing is also a symptom of the need to return to live together or at least to enjoy the national artistic heritage.
Procida is ready and proud to become the spokesperson for the rebirth of the country after such a terribly period and its designation as capital is certainly not accidental.

Courtesy of Procida 2022 Instagram Official page
Why is that?
Because it is an island and as such it has two fundamental characteristics.
First of all, it is a small town that becomes the capital and is the first time this happens.
Therefore, it was deliberately chosen to start from the “small dimension”, relaunching culture from a reality built on a human scale.
Secondly, as aforementioned, it is an island and consequently it’s synonymous with landing, safeness and arrival but at the same time also with exclusion, loneliness and abandonment.
Procida will exploit precisely this dualism of its “being island” when programming the events and the initiatives which, today, include 44 cultural projects, 330 days of organization, 240 artists, 40 original works and 8 regenerated cultural spaces.
The program is divided into five sections:
1. Procida creates: exhibitions, cinema, performances, events;
2. Procida inspires: the island as a source of inspiration;
3. Procida includes: art and community;
4. Procida innovates: bringing together culture and innovation by becoming a meeting point between the local and international community;
5. Procida learns: projects to strengthen the educating community with alliances between public and private realities.
The hope is that 2022, starting from this small island, can bring so much color into everyone’s life.
We have already booked the tickets.