Martin Parr mania
Martin Parr is undoubtedly one of the fundamental storytellers of our age, who tells us about the world we are living through through his photographs.
He analyzes lifestyles, strikes with brilliance and hyper saturated colors, to ironize and criticize some-questionable-aspects of contemporary society, with a focus on travel and leisure, consumerism and identity.
In these months there are numerous occasions in which to be able to see his work live, to experience firsthand the humor of a production that strikes us and involves us for the truths it contains, and in which we can recognize ourselves and who surrounds us.

VillaToilet MartinMedici PaperParr – Courtesy Artemagazine
Villa Medici in Rome, home to the French Academy, hosts the exhibition “VillaToilet MartinMedici PaperParr”: in its Renaissance gardens, it welcomes dozens of photographs thanks to the collaboration between Parr and the founders of Toiletpaper, none other than Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari.
The exhibition stems from the almost homonymous book “ToiletMartin PaperParr” which saw the light in 2020, as a collection of images of prolific artists who have as common denominator the ironic and biting style, which thanks to the monumental prints creates a path in which the real photographic confuses with surreality.

US Open, New York, USA – Courtesy Arte.go
“Martin Parr. We love Sports “, at the Camera Centro Italiano per la Fotografia in Turin from October, will instead be an opportunity to find gathered more than a hundred images dedicated to sporting events and activities, with a particular focus on tennis.
The fans, the clothes, the gestures, in short, as often happens with the details, attract the attention of the photographer, who makes them the protagonists of each of his works. The inordinate attention to the formal aspect is linked to what is a profound analysis of society.

BEACH THERAPY Sorrento, Italy – Courtesy Fotografidigitali
In the meantime, it is possible to “visit” online on the Photology platform the exhibition “Back to the beach”, curated by Davide Faccioli in collaboration with the Rocket Gallery: the beach and seaside life have always been key elements in his artistic research .
“The sea is […] a place where we relax and lose our inhibitions, and it is then that true personalities manifest themselves,” said Parr: the exhibition becomes an investigation into contemporary behaviors, to show once again what we are truly, through the medium of art – specifically photography.