SpeakART comparison method gets renovated

We are proud to announce a new software release, thanks to which the comparison method becomes even more precise and accurate.

In this period of forced stop, we have intensely concentrated on improving our product in order to meet the needs of punctuality and clarity of our users in the best way possible.

Now, the result of the comparison between the primary matrix of the work and any other following matrix is no longer unique, but quadruples.

This innovation allows to observe and highlight any possible difference between the two shots:

  • in terms of correspondence of each single pixel thanks to the comparison based on the optical flow of the two images (PixPix method)
  • according to an index of structural similarity which considers the perceived chromatic quality between the two digital structures (Dicsi method)
  • through a series of arithmetic comparison operations, called channel operations (Opra method)
  • aby the arithmetic comparison of the pixels, with difference between absolute values ​​(Diva method)

Therefore we are able to offer more varied outputs so that the customer can read the result of the comparison in an optimal way, and above all we have further simplified the DIMA (Digital Identity Matrix for ART) comparison procedure: the actions to be taken are less and less, because today the algorithm can rotate, balance, align and calibrate images independently and without the need for any user interaction.


Title Photo by Paul Blenkhorn